Large inflatable water slides for your backyard are really popular choice these days but there are some things you need to consider before purchasing these items. One of the first is the size of the product. Can it fit in your backyard? Also in your close neighborhood, make sure the other neighbors don't have the problem with it. Most water slides can easily fit in any background which means that you, as a parent, can easily take care of kids and even let them invite friends over to play without worrying too much about it.
The simpler they are the lower price of them is. Certainly there are those really expensive ones that go way over $500 but those are mainly intended for the commercial use. The lower price products you can find are Banzai Inflatable Water Slides. Banzai Speed Splitter racing inflatable water slide is one of the very expensive one's. But these are very large as well and range close to $500. The second very well liked Banzai Product is the Banzai Double Drop Fall and that one is prices below $400. Sometimes you can find it as low as $240.
Banzai 18' Long Inflatable water slide 8' tall often price under $200.
Most inflatable water slides with pools are made for children 3 ages and up. Be very careful to make sure you check the age before you make your purchase as some are made for children ranging in age from 5 & 6 and up.
Another very popular product is the combination of bounce house and water slides. For very small size you can get them as low as $60, but they can range, most combination bounce house and inflatable water slides from are intended for children 3 and up. Smaller children just love these kinds of bouncy and slippery slides, and they are able to spent hours playing and jumping without getting bored or getting in trouble.
With most inflatable water slides and inflatable bounce houses the blower is included which is a must have for this kind of items. Just make sure that you check the age carefully before making your purchase. The best of all, if you surprise them, you can check for more, this is going to be the best surprise ever.
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