The first surprise you had was the price. You found out that you can get an outdoor inflatable pool for less than $70, and we are not talking about a kiddy pool either. Other surprise was the size that is available. Companies like Bestway now make inflatable monsters that can fit you, your wife and both kids comfortably, and there might even be a space for your dog.
In the end, you opted for the Fast Set Bestway inflatable swimming pools, mostly because they advertize it as 'no tools needed' installation. Having two left hands, you knew that there is no such thing as too simple installation. But, you were wrong. This 600 gallons, 8 feet diameter pool was so easy to make, you managed to put it up on Saturday and everyone was in it on Sunday. All you had to do was to inflate the top ring and fill it with water. As the pool was filling up, it was raising off the ground like some strange beast, to the delight of the children.
You scored some browny points with your wife as well, as you decided to put the pool behind the house, in the grassy area where you were planning to make a deck, just off the back door. If you are lucky, the two of you might sneak a dip at night when the kids are asleep.
The first pool party in your new Fast Set swimming pool was a huge success. Of course, you had to show how manly you were, so you threw around the terms like 'the walls are made of two layers of triple strength, heavy gauge PVC, with the inner polyester mesh layer". You placed some lanterns all over the yard, what was a good idea since the party run long into the night. You had to chase the kids out of the pool before they turned blue.
Although you are convinced that the material is sufficiently strong to support all that water and the bunch of kids roughhousing in the pool, you are aware that the top ring is filled with air, which is keeping the cheap inflatable pool up. So, it is off limits for the dog and the kids were told not to bring any sharp objects in. In any case, you are keeping an eagle eye on them, just in case, you do not want your pride and joy to be a cause of an accident.