For a long time, pools were the privilege of the rich. Swimming in your backyard meant that you 'made it'. The pools were, and still are, the sign of social status and certain desirable lifestyle.
It is not only the cost that stopped many people from adding a swimming pool to their home. They are extremely expensive to maintain, and in most places can be used only during several summer months. What to do with them during the winter is quite a headache: protecting pipes from freezing, covering the pool to keep the debris accumulating, it all adds to the reluctance when people are deciding whether to add the pool to their home or not. In addition, a pool takes a sizable portion of the yard, and the land cannot be used for any other purpose even during the months when the pool is not in use.
Above ground pools, especially the inflatable ones with a slide, like the Bestway swimming pools, changed all that. First, the inflatable, rigid and other types of outdoor above ground pools are much cheaper to buy and to maintain. They can be installed by the homeowner with the help of the DVD or written instructions. There are even pools that do not require any tools to be installed.
For a long time, inflatable pools were linked with the image of a pink baby pools in which infants played with rubber ducks. The new type of above ground outdoor swimming pools are now made in many sizes, including quite large ones, which allow for normal swimming exercises.
Although Bestway above ground outdoor swimming pools can be disassembled at the end of the season, many homeowners are making efforts to incorporate them in their landscaping, by building decks around them and making them a part of the outdoor entertainment area. Once the pools are disassembled, the kids can use the space to play basketball or hokey or anything else.
There were several cases of children that drowned in the above-ground swimming pools, which created a bad image and caused a stir in the media. Parents have to take responsibility for taking care of their children and cannot forget that any body of water can be dangerous. Children should not be left unattended near the water, whether it is a nearby lake, or in-ground or above-ground pool.
For a full range of Bestway above-ground swimming pools, check the website of the UK distributor at
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